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DELE Preparatory Course

Obtain the Official Diploma of Spanish as a Foreign Language

Get prepared for the DELE exam

The DELE Preparatory Course is focused on student who wish to obtain the official certificate (Diploma de Español como Lengua Extranjera) granted by the Cervantes Institute on behalf of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport, the only official one which recognizes and certifies the degree of knowledge of the Spanish language.

Our DELE Preparatory Course has 60 sessions of specific preparation for these examinations. During this course we will work on the different skills using methods similar to the ones that will be evaluated during the DELE examinations (oral and written interaction, oral and written comprehension).

The course is taught by teachers with a wide experience preparing these examinations and accredited by the Cervantes Institute as examiners for DELE.


Specific preparation for the official examination


What are the DELE examinations?

The Certificates of Spanish DELE have an international recognition and enjoy a high prestige, not only among public and private institutions and educational authorities, but also in the business world.

If you wish to do so, you can take the DELE examination at our school, seeing that our school is an Official Exam Centre, accredited by the Cervantes Institute to realize the examinations.

We are an Official Exam Centre for DELE Examinations

prepare with us and get your certificate


DELE Preparatory Course

Levels: all levels (A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2).

Schedule: from 10.00a.m. to 1.00p.m. and from 4.00p.m. to 7.00p.m.

Weekly sessions: 15 sessions.

Small groups: 7-8 students per class (maximum 12).

Material: included in the course (except books).

Dates schedules for the official exams

To receive more information on the DELE Examinations (deadlines for inscriptions, exams, prices, etc.), you can consult at info@colegioespana.com or on the website of the Cervantes Institute

18th March to 12th April
22nd April to 17th May
17th June to 12th July
23rd September to 18th October
28th October to 22nd November

Public Holidays (will not be recuperated): 1st January; 28th and 29th March; 23rd April; 1st May; 12th June; 15th August; 9th September; 1st November; 6th and 9th December.

The school will be closed from 23rd December 2024 and will open again on 7th January 2025.

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